I’m just as afraid of this blog as you may be ^
What’s up is that I’ve never written a blog and i know its going to be weird.
Anyways, lets get on with it……. Welcome to the shit show! Its August and 2023 is basically over already. If we factor in the continuing wild fires that are happening everywhere and it may be over sooner than we think.
Some highlights from 2023 so far are:
I got married to my amazing partner, Marcella (see her work here) back in April.
I’m still showing work at Canopy Art Studios - Studio 118 every first Saturday of the month (916 Springdale Rd, Austin, TX 78702).
I’m prepping for the East Austin Studio Tour in November. It’s going to be fun on a bun!
I went to Denver, CO for my bachelor party and almost died (turns out cashews will kill me).
I went to New Mexico for my honeymoon and saw some sick art/dinosaur bones (New Mexico also has some killer chronic).
I went to Atlanta, GA and partied with a company I don’t work for. I also spent too much money on Lime Scooters, Pabst Blue Ribbon and my new favorite beer “Beeps”.
My band Bat Lips is gigging A LOT.
The workshop is still a nightmare.
And I finally made this stupid blog.
Me in the emergency room after the “Cashew Incident”
I’ll try to write for this blog once a month and it will consist of sick new work, new techniques, wood facts, basses, progress shots, pictures of my dogs, my workshop/studio, and a neat infographic that won’t be relevant to any of that. If you haven’t figured out by now, I’m not the best writer so bear with me.
“I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though. I have more fun than most people.”